Guided Solutions

General Liability and Workers’ Compensation: What’s the Difference?

Insurance agent explaining insurance policy to customer in office room.

As a business owner, there are a lot of decisions you need to make to protect your business from risk. Choosing the right business insurance is one of them.

Of all the business options available, general liability and workers’ compensation are two types of coverage that all businesses need. While both offer significant financial protection, there are notable differences in what types of accidents they cover.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides protection for your business. Including property damage, bodily injury, and advertising injury claims made against you by a third party. However, this policy doesn’t cover employee injuries.

Here’s what general liability covers:

General liability covers legal fees, punitive damages, property damage costs, wage compensation for nonemployees, and medical bills for nonemployees up to the limit of the policy. This type of insurance doesn’t cover professional liability, product liability, or employee injuries.

Though it isn’t a required coverage in all states, purchasing general liability insurance is just best practice in managing the inherent risks that come with doing business.

Business people using tablet to look at business insurance options

Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation insurance covers lost wages, medical bills, and other expenses when an employee gets injured or sick as a result of their job.

Here’s what workers’ compensation covers:

Workers’ comp covers employees’ medical treatment, physical therapy, and lost wages due to workplace injury. It also provides death benefits if an employee dies while performing a job-related task. Death benefits include burial fees and survivor benefits.

Most states require businesses to carry this coverage. However, requirements vary depending on the state in which you do business.

Key Takeaways

Though there are some similarities between general liability and workers’ comp, there are also some key differences. Both policies deal with bodily injury, with the differentiator being whose injuries each policy covers. General liability covers claims made against your business from individuals who aren’t employees. Workers’ comp covers anyone who works for your company who sustains an injury as a result of performing work-related tasks.

To run a strong business, you need both general liability and workers’ compensation, in addition to other lines of coverage. Contact us today to learn more about what types of coverage you need to protect your business.

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