Pool Safety

If you have a pool or are considering putting one in, it’s a good time to consider all the steps you can take to ensure you and your family remain safe while they are in or around water. Please check out some tips below offered by poolsafely.gov:

Never leave children unattended

Always watch children when they are in or around water. Designating an official “watcher” is a good way to supervise children when they are playing in the pool. This person’s only job should be to watch the children to ensure everyone is safe. Even when a lifeguard is present, it’s still a good idea to have someone from your own group watching your children to maximize safety.

Teach your children how to swim

Swimming is not only fun but can be lifesaving as well. Teaching your children to swim is very important if they are going to be around water during the summer. Swimming classes are available many places including your local YMCA or Parks and Recreation Department.

Beware of drains

It is important to teach your children to stay away from drains or suction outlets in pools. Your child’s hair, limbs, or loose articles of clothing can get stuck inside the drains. Ensure that all pools – both personal and public – have compliant drain covers. Powerful suction from a pool drain can be strong enough to trap even an adult.

Install proper barriers

Having proper barriers, fences, and alarms around your pool can be lifesaving. A fence at least 4 feet high around your pool will keep children from climbing over. The entrance to the pool should be only accessible by a self-latching gate to ensure children cannot open it on their own.

Know how to perform CPR

When a drowning incident occurs, often bystanders are the first to aid the victim. Getting CPR certified can help save lives around you. Many CPR classes are available through local hospitals, community centers and through the American Red Cross.

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