Insurance Myths and Misconceptions

Image of a couple discussing insurance myths and misconceptions with an agent.

Debunking insurance myths to help you make informed decisions. Get connected for tailored advice and savings. Ensure your peace of mind with Guided Solutions!

Your insurance checklist for 2024!

The new year is a great time to review your insurance coverage. Read our policy-specific checklist to make sure your insurance is still working for you.

Why use an insurance broker?

Discover the benefits of meeting with an insurance broker. Get expert advice, tailored coverage, and competitive rates. Make informed decisions today!

What Does Term Life Insurance Not Cover?

Learn about exclusions in term life insurance policies to avoid surprises. Review your coverage to ensure it meets your needs and protects your loved ones effectively.

What Does Life Insurance Cover?

Almost one-third of consumers think the sole purpose of life insurance is to pay for funeral and burial expenses. The truth is . . . it can cover so much more.

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On March 26, 2025, we will unify as one brand:​

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